P-ISSN 2587-2400 | E-ISSN 2587-196X
EJMO. 2022; 6(3): 241-246 | DOI: 10.14744/ejmo.2022.50709

Downregulation of DKK-1 and Upregulation of B - Catenin in Cancer Floating Spheroids is Associated with Chemoresistance to Wnt Signaling Pathway Inhibitors

Vivek Kaushik1, Juan Sebastian Yakisich1, Yogesh Kulkarni1, Neelam Azad1, Anand Krishnan V. Iyer1
1Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, Hampton University, VA, USA,

Objectives: DKK-1, a negative regulator of ?-catenin in the Wnt pathway is commonly upregulated in cancer cells but its expression and association to chemoresistance have not been investigated extensively. Our aim was to evaluate the expression of DKK-1 and ?-catenin as well as the effect of the Wnt pathway modulators iCRT-14 (iCRT) and WAY626611 (WAY) alone or in combination with Nigericin (NIG) on the viability of cancer cells grown under routine conditions (RC) or as floating spheroids (FSs). Methods: RC or FSs from human prostate (PC3 and LnCAP) and breast (MCF-7 and MDA-MB231) cells were treated for 72 hs with WAY or iCRT. Cell viability was determined by the MTT or the CCK-8 assays and protein expression was determined by western blot analysis. Results: DKK-1 was expressed at different basal levels in RC but was undetectable in FSs. ?-catenin expression was increased in FSs. RC of PC3 and MCF-7 were sensitive to both iCRT and WAY but FSs generated from these cell lines were resistant to both drugs. NIG potentiated the effect of both Wnt inhibitors in FSs. Conclusion: Marked changes in the expression of Wnt pathway proteins, DKK-1 and ?-catenin in FSs are associated with resistance to WAY and iCRT. Keywords: Chemoresistance, DKK-1, tumorspheres, stemness, Wnt/?-catenin

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Kaushik V, Yakisich J, Kulkarni Y, Azad N, Iyer A. Downregulation of DKK-1 and Upregulation of B - Catenin in Cancer Floating Spheroids is Associated with Chemoresistance to Wnt Signaling Pathway Inhibitors. EJMO. 2022; 6(3): 241-246

Corresponding Author: Juan Sebastian Yakisich

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