Objectives: Bone surface is supplied with ample numbers of both sensory and sympathetic nerves, despite this a very few cases of Schwannoma had been reported to be originating from subperiosteal region. Our study aims at retrospectively analysing patients presenting with vague pain around the knee joint with inconclusive radiological features in whom subperiosteal Schwannoma was being considered as a differential diagnosis. Methods: Three patients presented with vague pain around knee joint to our OPD over a 10 years period. Two patients had a painful mass around knee. Pain was temporarily relieved with NSAIDs. Two patients had lesion in proximal tibia and one on distal femur. All patients were subjected to excisional biopsy and the results were analysed. Results: X ray was unremarkable in all three patients. Hypoechoic lesion was found on ultrasonography suspected to be benign neoplastic lesion. Histopathology study of all excisional biopsy specimens confirmed the diagnosis of schwannoma. All patients recovered uneventfully and had complete relief of pain post excision. There has not been any incidence of recurrence. Conclusion: In patients with diffused pain around knee, subperiosteal schwannoma should be kept as one of the differential diagnosis. USG can help in diagnosis subperiostel schwannoma. Keywords: Knee pain, schwannoma, subperisoteal
Corresponding Author: Sudarsan Behera